Pretest #21 -- Eighth Grade.
  1. People go to mountanous regions to ski.
  2. A gradial slope is easy after a steep climb.
  3. The deer is an agile and graceful animal.
  4. Be alert and causious crossing the road.
  5. Running three miles is strenuous exercise.
  6. Food aid is crusial if they are to survive.
  7. Has her wheelchair made her more mobile?
  8. I think of horazontal as east to west.
  9. Were you sick after that disasterous meal?
  10. That tremendus bear is taller than the bus!
  11. Our daily visits are now only ocasional.
  12. Some artaficial grass looks almost real.
  13. Thin and fragile glass breaks easily.
  14. Water is rare and precious in dry areas.
  15. He is too old for such a juvenel prank.
  16. We laughed at her ridiculous duck costume.
  17. A judge must be fair and imparsial.
  18. We studied the sosial life of wolf packs.
  19. He was so upset that he became hysteracle.
  20. Avoid people who have contagous illnesses.
  21. Learning to spell is a continuous process.
  22. There may be varios correct ways to pronounce a word.
  23. The prowling pack of seventh graders did not appear to be hostile.
  24. Weird Al is notorius for making fun of other people's songs.
  25. Walking and chewing gum can usually be simultanious activities.
Vocabulary -- iconic, daunting, anthropomorphic, aspire, saw (not the cutting thing or the verb), pogrom, pragmatic, skinflint, ambiguous, volatile (not the chemistry one)
  1. "A bird in the hand" is an old ________ which Mr. Coward likes.
  2. "Goofy" is an _________ dog, while "Pluto" is not.
  3. Second period can be a _________ mix of personality and energy.
  4. "Mickey Mouse" represents an _________ example of American pop culture.
  5. Some people consider the internment of Japanese-Americans, during WWII as our own ________.
  6. I can usually find a _____________ way to fix just about anything.
  7. The meanings of "cool" and "hot" can often appear to be _________.
  8. Making tests in a hurry can be a ________ task.
  9. I ________ to be a teacher when I grow up.
  10. My ________ uncle asked the man if he had change for a penny.