Monday 4-19-04
Seventh Grade:

Pretest 22:

  1. The blizzerd brought three feet of snow.
  2. The flooding from the huracane was terrible.
  3. How long will the satelite stay in orbit?
  4. A new bullatin interrupted my favorite show.
  5. Heavy snow forced the cansellation of school.
  6. Be prepared for the posability of rain.
  7. Dark woods seem forbiding at night.
  8. Each worker was alotted ten shares of stock.
  9. How could I mispell such an easy word?
  10. I was creditted with finding the missing cat.
  11. Isn't that college professer a famous poet?
  12. Did he eggsagerate the tale to make it scarier?
  13. She won that gold medallion for bravery.
  14. Who saved the princess from the evil villan?
  15. Harmful rumors can spread through the gossipping.
  16. Climbing a mountain is an awesome challenge.
  17. Are you equipt for camping in cold weather?
  18. Plenty of sleep is nesesary for good health.
  19. We abreviate words to save time and space.
  20. A rabbit and a turtle are very disimiler.
  21. We will play the game, weather permiting.
  22. She always wanted a career in modelling.
  23. Meet me in front of the pavillion.
  24. There is a lot of misellanious shtuff in that box.
  25. Please remitt ten dollars to cover the price of the ticket.
Vocabulary. shrewd, erratic, tentative, undulate, hunker, querulous, adversity, secondary, primary
  1. He was pulled over for driving  _________ (ally); they thought he was drunk.
  2. During the earthquake the street began to ___________ like waves on an ocean.
  3. He was nervous and didn't have a lot of confidence, so his performance was a little unsure and ____________.
  4. When you are resilient, you are able to bounce back from __________.
  5. Which is a synonym for clever? _________.
  6. We _____________(ed)  down in a ditch to avoid the explosion.
  7. Sometimes Uncle is a ____________ old man, who is rarely satisfied.
  8. A personal interview with an expert on diabetes would be considered a _______source for a paper on diabetes.
  9. An encyclopedia entry would always be considered a __________ source.