Wednesday, 9/03/03
Eighth Grade
Warm Up. Copy 1-5.
  1. "The Road Not Taken" : rhyme scheme :: "...Moth" : ___________
  2. "Checkouts" : third :: "...Moth : _________
  3. honor : hero :: blame : _________
  4. conflict : plot :: message : _________ (literary term)
  5. 90% : _______ :: 80% : 24/30
  6. True or False: You can make up a missing KBAR by reading and responding twice as long.
  7. (1) Which doesn't fit, and why? evaluate, predict, summarize, question, react
  8. Spelling: beginning, happening, traveled, traveling, all correct
  9. (1) Draw a diagram of two roads that converge, and then diverge.
Vocabulary. Copy each of the bold-faced words into your notebook. Guess the definition, and POS based on the context. See the model below.
1) boisterous ( POS ): ____(real defn. goes here)____
2) perfunctory (   ):_______________
  1. The party was so boisterous, the neighbors called the police.
  2. The teacher taught in such a perfunctory way that you could tell he was sick of his job.
  3. You need a lot of paraphernalia for art class.
  4. After he cut his finger, it bled profusely.
  5. After I told my boy he couldn't have candy before dinner, he got very petulant, and refused to eat his pasta.

Correct Friday Thang I.

"The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson