Monday, 9/22/03 -- Eighth Grade
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. Subject/Verb Agreement
Choose the correct word for each sentence.
  1.  Several of the campers (have/has) arrived early.
  2. (Was/Were) any of Bree's friends going on the trip?
  3. The parents' committee (has/have) agreed to fund the trip.
  4. Three dollars (are/is) the price of the ticket.
  5. Everyone in the audience (cheer/cheers) when he walks out on the stage.
  6. Two ounces of saffron (costs/cost) almost $600.
  7. The Planets (is/are) the first work on today's orchestra program.
  8. Three-fourths of the pudding (have/has) been eaten already.
Pretest #3

Correct "The Bet."

"The Monkey's Paw"
"Be careful what you wish for..."
Predestination vs. Free Will