Test #5. (49pp)  Eighth Grade
Record: Extra credit for the week (+5 min/+10 max), vocab h/w ( /20),  KBAR score (/40), and the two Charlie quizzes (/10, /6).
Part One: Spelling (22): All do all. Do not copy.
  1. notes : __________ ::  wire : ______
  2. voices : _____ ::  skeleton: ________
  3. percussion : ____ ::  metaphor : _____
  4. between rows : _________ ::  surrounded by water : _________ 
  5. rising : ______ :: agreement : _______
  6. unmoving : ____ :: paper : _______ 
  7. location :_____ :: credit : ___________
  8. stage : _________ :: upset : _________
  9. decline : _____ :: disagreement : _____ 
  10. weight : ______ :: proofreading : _____
  11. blister : ______ :: unfeeling : ________
cord, corale, simbol, ile, assent, stationery, sight, phaze, descent, carrat, callous

Part Two: (10)Vocabulary -- introspective, perception, tangible, relative (adj), opportunist, sensation, vacuous, inference 

  1. serious : absurd :: absolute : ___________
  2. introspective : __________ :: benevolent : __________(ic) 
  3. Blonde jokes play on the idea that blondes are more __________ than other people. 
  4. (2) The _________ of Miss America winners is that they are  __________ but beautiful.
  5. Henry Adams caused quite a _________ with the million pound note.
  6. Thieves are often _______(s), using the fact that a lot of people leave their doors unlocked. 
  7. There was no ________ proof that he had committed the crime; they couldn't find any evidence at the crime scene. 
  8. We can make the _________ that Charlie's friends aren't really his friends by what he says about them. 
  9. After the accident, he couldn't feel his legs; he had no ______ at all in them.
Part Three: CCS (10)
  1. It was the cat he had a little accident and he needed cleaning up.
  2. As the waves came in succession I was pummeled before I got outside. 
  3. When she learned her apartment had been robbed she sat down and cried.
  4. Darry is always pulling muscles he roofs houses and he's always trying to carry two bundles of roofing. 
  5. He was too late though Dally walked out with two packages of Kools under his jacket. 
  6. This recipe has just three ingredients lime Jello cottage cheese and pineapple. 
Part Four: FFA
  1. What does Fanny Girden compare Charlie's operation to?
  2. What makes Charlie realize that he has surpassed even Dr. Strauss in intelligence?
  3. Give an example of what Charlie calls "simple, everyday" conversation with Miss Kinnian.
  4. Charlie's first reaction to the dishwasher dropping the dishes was...?
  5. His second reaction was to....?
  6. What does Charlie say "hurts most of all" now that he has realized people were laughing at him?
  7. To what does Charlie compare his great desire to be smart, his need to increase his low intelligence (p112)?