Test #11 -- Eighth Grade. Record: Pigman response score (/20), Pigman quiz scores (/5,/8,/12), extra credit for the week (+6 min/+11 max).
20) Spelling. All take all. Do not copy.
imigrate, emagrate, adverse, persacute, prosacute, excede, bazzar, bazaare, lible, libal, rational, viel, vile, regament, conscients, consciouse, consciensious, antedote, anecdote, accept, except, avocation, vocation, continually, continuously
  1. sweet : disgusting :: positive : _________ 
  2. sickness : cure :: ordinary : _________ 
  3. comatose : conscious :: lackadaisical : ___________ 
  4. point-of-view : perspective :: marketplace : __________ 
  5. Everyone _________ him is going to the party.
  6. flee : prosecution :: ___________ : persecution 
  7. Second period is ___________ whining about how mean Mr. Coward is.
  8. His ____________ was bothering him after his crime.
  9. (2) The Puritans _______(ed) to the new world to escape religious _______(ion).
  10. (2) The __________ of liquid had a ___________ smell.
  11. (2) pottery : ________ :: soldiers : __________ 
  12. (2) weird : strange :: responsible : ___________ 
  13. (2) story : _________ :: career : __________ 
  14. (2) reason : __________ :: routine : __________ 
(10) Vocabulary. imminent, eminent, regimen, rationale, averse, accede, prospective, infantile, voluptuous 
  1. He met his ____________ boss at the interview. 
  2. John : infantile :: Janice Dickory : ___________
  3. disagree : accede :: mature : __________ 
  4. Sometimes cities use their power of  "__________ domain," or higher authority, to condemn and tear down houses that are in the way of things like freeways and stadiums. 
  5. Lorraine keeps seeing omens of ____________ doom. 
  6. As a writer, he has a strict ___________ that includes writing at least 1000 words per day. 
  7. I just couldn't ____________ to the pleas of the students for less work. 
  8. They scoured the phone book, looking for ____________ victims for their phone pranks. 
  9. Explain the ____________ for your strange choice. 
  10. I am not exactly _________ to letting you go by yourself, but I do have my doubts. 
(12) The Pigman
  1. Chapter 14 would be considered...a) the conflict.  b) the resolution.  c) the climax.  d) the exposition.  e) the rising action.
  2. Chapter 15 would be considered...a) the conflict.  b) the resolution.  c) the climax.  d) the exposition.  e) the rising action.
  3. Why does John make Lorraine leave when Mr. Pignati dies?
  4. (2) What did John do to check to see if Mr. Pignati was alive?
  5. From what fate did John believe he and Lorraine had saved Mr. Pignati?
  6. (Quote) What does John say is the secret to not thinking too much?
  7. Who does John say are "baffled baboons concentrating on all the wrong things"?
  8. What kind of "trespassing" did John say Mr. Pignati had done?
  9. True or False. John thought that his drinking and smoking wasn't too harmful because he was still young.
  10. True or False. John still blames his drinking and smoking on his parents.
  11. What is the voice of the Pigman that John "almost" hears at the end telling him? (Don't quote, translate.)
(9) Shtuff
  1. (3) The Declaration of Independence was signed in ______, _______, on July 4, ___. 
  2. (2) Pearl Harbor was bombed on ______ ___, ____. 
  3. 60/75 = ____% 
  4. (2) Draw a labeled diagram of what a day and a year are, astronomically speaking. 
  5. What is 10% of  60?