Test #13 -- Seventh Grade-- Be sure to record your extra credit for the week (+5 min./+10max.), your KBAR score,  and your vocabulary homework score (/20).  No crossword? -10. As always, be on the lookout for other mistakes to fix for extra credit.  (50pp)
(25) Spelling. Do what you missed on Monday. 
  1. The force of the eruption shook the ground.
  2. The pilots put on a spectacular show.
  3. I jumped at the abrupt knock at the door.
  4. A spectator in the stands caught the ball.
  5. What a spectacle the circus parade was!
  6. Vivid details bring a description to life.
  7. We will examine the specimen in science class.
  8. The rain caused an interruption of the game.
  9. She wants to subscribe to that magazine.
  10. Loud noises disrupt my sleep.
  11. The inspector checked the roof for holes.
  12. Can water pipes rupture in cold weather?
  13. I respect him for his work with the homeless.
  14. The author sent her manuscript to a publisher.
  15. It is fun to speculate on our future careers.
  16. Each aspect of the plan had to be considered.
  17. I must transcribe my notes from the lecture.
  18. Can you read the inscription on the monument?
  19. I suspect they are late because of traffic.
  20. He was bankrupt after the stock market crash.
  21. A rainbow is made up of the spectrum of colors.
  22. His disguise actually made him more conspicuous instead of less.
  23. The salesman made a lot of phone calls, looking for perspective customers.
  24. Try to describe the robber for me.
  25. In retrospect, it seems as though I made a mistake.
(8) Roots.
  1. "between burst thing" = INTERRUPTION
  2. "across write" = TRANSCRIBE
  3. "backwards look" = RETROSPECT
  4. "again look"  = * RESPECT 
  5. "completely write" = DESCRIBE
  6. "apart burst" = DISTRACT
  7. "forward looking" = PROSPECTIVE
  8. "into written thing" = INSCRIPTION
(10) Vocabulary -- You might use words more than once. allay, dignity, scrutinize, transient, assuage,  pummel, assail, wiry, issue
  1. easy-going : nonchalant :: peruse : SCRUTINIZE
  2. assault : battery :: assail : PUMMEL
  3. brave : gallant :: pride : DIGNITY
  4. burst : rupture :: emanate : ISSUE 
  5. hurt feelings : ASSUAGE :: fears : allay
  6. perfect : dilapidated :: fat : WIRY 
  7. ramshackle: dilapidated :: comfort : ASSUAGE
  8. life : TRANSIENT :: death : permanent 
  9. He made sure he had a good excuse to ALLAY any suspicions they had. 
  10. Robert said that the sonnets (love poems) had ASSUAGED his broken heart. 
(7) "MFN"
  1. pepere : grandfather :: noir : BLACK 
  2. story : prose :: sonnet : POETRY/POEM 
  3. Why was Robert (the narrator) disappointed in the story of Jeff's family? IT WAS TOO NORMAL
  4. (2) What do Jeff's and Robert's father have in common? A) OUT OF WORK, B) TOO PROUD TO ACCEPT RELIEF
  5. (2) List two of the stereotypes that Robert (the narrator) thought of when he met Jefferson. (ANY 2) A) STEAL B) FROM THE SOUTH  C) ANCESTORS WERE SLAVES  D) DANGEROUS