Test 22: Eighth Grade:

--Record: a)  your extra credit for the week.  Keep it all.  b)  your vocabulary homework score ( /20).  c)  No crossword? -10.
--[Mr. B will check any remaining vocabulary homework, and your crosswords, while you work on the test.]

Spelling Test: all do all; don't copy into notebook; (12 points possible)

  1. (2) proclaim, proclaimation, deceive, deception, all correct
  2. (2) acclaim, acclamation, pertain, pertinant, all correct
  3. (2) maintain, maintainance, exclaim, exclamation, all correct
  4. (2) perceive, perception, conceive, conception, all correct
  5. (2) prevail, prevalent, sustain, sustenence, all correct
  6. (2) humane, humanity, denounce, denunciation, all correct
Vocabulary Test: Skip if you are exempt; don't copy into notebook; (10 points possible)

dissemble, collaboration, discriminate, segregate, idiosyncrasies, antagonist, ambivalence, objectivity, dilemma, diligence.

  1. Having to choose whether to drown or to suffocate would be a serious __________ .
  2. You must learn to ____________ if you hope to win at poker.
  3. The "bad guy" in a story is more properly called the __________.
  4. If you cooperate with a known enemy, you are guilty of ____________.
  5. When you remove all the red jelly beans from a mixed bag, you _________ them.
  6. If you look for all possible solutions, you are exhibiting ___________ and perseverance.
  7. Strongly felt mixed feelings exemplify _____________ .
  8. You ____________ when you choose one thing instead of another.
  9. Old people have many ____________ : odd habits they have developed over a lifetime.
  10. __________ allows us to view a situation in an impartial manner.
Maus Questions: True/False A-Go-Go: all do all; don't copy into notebook; (15 points possible)
  1. Vladek knew Mala, back when he and Anja lived in Poland.
  2. Vladek's subjective opinion is that he had a very happy marriage with Anja.
  3. Vladek's subjective opinion is that he has a very happy marriage with Mala.
  4. Vladek is a diligent, fussy, old man with many idiosyncrasies.
  5. An objective outside observer might view questions 2, 3, and 4 differently than Vladek would.
  6. According to your own subjective opinion, Vladek is an easy guy to live with.
  7. Question 6 has only one right answer.
  8. Brother-in-law Wolfe collaborates with the Nazi occupying force.
  9. Vladek would rather risk his own life, and even Richieu's, than collaborate with the Nazi's.
  10. You could consider the situation in question 9 a dilemma.
  11. In Maus, we see that Germans and (non-Jewish) Poles actively discriminate against the Jews.
  12. In Maus, we see the German occupiers devise many ways to segregate the Jews in Poland.
  13. Vladek can dissemble gracefully, even in very dangerous situations.
  14. On pages 100 to 103, Anja is the antagonist.
  15. Those pages allow us to understand that Artie views his mother Anja with ambivalence.