Monday, 4/11/05
Copy homework into assignment book.
How to bring your essay tomorrow:
Floppy disk Test it!.  |  CD. Test it!  |  E-mail.  |  Digital DropBox. Follow link to Discussion Boards. Then click Tools.  Add File.  Browse for the file on your computer. |  Bring it handwritten tomorrow, early, and use a school computer to type it up.

Warm Up. Punctuation.
Each sentence below is missing one punctuation mark. Copy the sentence, and provide the missing punctuation. Also fix any other mistakes you find--there are many.

  1. He recieved a two thirds majoraty of the vote.
  2. When she learned her apartment had been robbed she sat down and cried.
  3. You may be right, but
  4. Drinking while driving is illegal furthermore, it can be deadly.
  5. This recipe has just three ingredients lime Jello, cottage cheese, and pinapple.

Correct Test #19

Pretest #20

Charlotte Doyle...