Friday, 4/15/05
Prepare separate sheet for Test #20.
Attach (and circle) your answers to yesterday's checks.
Mental Floss.
  1. A man walks into a room, turns around and walks out the same door he went in. When he gets out  he is in a different room than when he started. How is this possible?
  2. Two men got lost while exploring in the desert. Each man had a compass. One headed due East, and the other headed due West. Two hours later, they met. How?
  3. A woman is less than 100 years old. Her age divided by 7 leaves 2 for a remainder. Her age divided by 5 leaves 4 for a remainder, and her age divided by 3 leaves 2 for a remainder. How old is she?
  4. Three men pay $10 apiece for separate rooms in a hotel. Then the clerk realizes that they are entitled to a $5 discount, and gives $5 to the bellboy to return to the 3 men. The dishonest bellboy gives each one a dollar, and keeps $2 for himself. Now, each man, after receiving the $1 rebate,  paid only $9 for his room. That makes $27 for all three. The bellboy kept the other $2, which makes $29. What happened to the other dollar?
Test #20.
You may log in and work on your web page when you are finished.