Tuesday, 12/7/04
Warm Up. Copy into notebook.
  1. * stop sign : traffic :: embargo : __________
  2. * barbecue : patio :: siesta : ___________
  3. * poncho : rain :: _________ : sun
  4. * tortilla : burrito :: _________ : chili
  5. * corn : tortilla :: _________ : chocolate
  6. I ate a)________ with  b)______s in c)_______, on a d)_______ day.
  7. first = I, second = _______, third = _______
"Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla!" Correct Pink Pronoun Sheet, p46
Discussion Boards! OMG! U R 2 GR8!
  • Kim looking up LaFarge on Yahoo.
  • Clay's insight into Tom.
  • The questions.
  • The discussion.
  • The enthusiasm.
  • Justin logging in as his brother so he could participate.
  • Kim finding analysis on the net (source?)
  • 260 posts on the first day!
  • Jesse G: 391 looks, Nick S: 205 looks, Anna C: 170 looks, Jeremy C: 150
Let's work on:
  • Politeness
  • Enough with the thank you/you're welcome stuff
  • Proofread once before submitting. This is not chat, you can fix spelling and punctuation.
  • Try not to start too many new threads. We had a lot that overlapped. ("About the story The Martian") Find a thread that already relates to what you're going to say.
  • Try to make your subject header reflect what your message is.
  • Don't give away plot twists.
  • Stay on topic. ("What kind of name is LaFarge?")
  • I need help guyz! plz 1st mistake maby?
"The Martian" p119-124. (5)
  1. What did "Tom's" "singing" that first night do to LaFarge's wife?  a) It made her understand that he was really a Martian.  b) It made her accept him as her real son.  c) It made her stupid. d) It made her remember her real son.
  2. How do we know that the real Tom died already?
  3. (2) What happened to Nomland? Why?
  4. Who else did "Tom" appear to be? (Bonus: Why might he have been trapped that way?)
Questions for Part 2
Why does Tom shield his face when LaFarge starts to suspect Tom is a Martian?
Why might he be scared of the people in the town?

"The Bicycle Analogy"

Read aloud.