Tuesday, 12/14/04
Warm Up. Copy (1-6) into notebook. (For 7-9: IO = indirect object, DO = direct object, OP = object of preposition)
  1. * realistic : imaginary :: environmental : __________
  2. * primary : secondary :: _________ : final
  3. * stars : observatory :: food : ___________
  4. * flashback : foreshadowing :: permanent : ______
  5. * fakery : forgery :: explanation: __________
  6. move : eyes :: _______ : camera
  7. He took the cheat-sheet from her. IO, DO, OP?
  8. Parkhill gave us the key. IO, DO, OP?
  9. Jimmy hit it a long way. IO, DO, OP?
Correct Pink Sheet.
Correct Test #10.
Last night's discussion. Tonight's reading response:
  1. What do you think the expression, "the life of Reilly" (p154) means? What would your "life of Reilly" be like?
  2. How would it be different if the Walter character were a woman, and the man was like Genevieve?
  3. Comments/questions.
"The Monsters are Due on Maple Street"
What fears might be called "universal"; shared by most almost all humans?