Tuesday, 2/1/05
Warm Up. Copy. (Yes, even #6.)
  1. * lose : triumph :: cacophony : ___________
  2. * divide : combine :: environmental : _________
  3. * narrate : story :: _________ : debris
  4. * sequence : combination :: personality : __________
  5. * tell : narrate :: force : __________
  6. The main point of your essay, in one sentence, is called your ________ ________.
  7. When you explain why your opponent is wrong, it's called your __________.
Tom Sawyer
  1. (4) "He had contemplated a good part of the performance before he contributed his bit of variety to it." (p52b, 48w) Explain.
  2. Give a quote that shows what mistake Tom made in talking with Becky.
  3. True or False. At the end of chapter 7, Becky regrets not making up with Tom.
Plan Sheet:
5 Paragraphs/Parts or so: Intro/hook/thesis, 1st reason and details, 2nd reason and details, opposing argument and rebuttal, conclusion.
Use transition words:
because, also, in addition, another, finally, as I have shown, in conclusion
Rebut the opposition, don't just say they're wrong.
Research? Check the web.  Does more homework lead to better learning?
I did a Google search for: "amount of homework" effective test scores achievement
...and I found arguments on both sides.
Rough Draft due Thursday.

120 Seconds (periods 2-4)
Correct Quiz 1/27 (period 1)