Wednesday, 1/5/05 -- Early Release Schedule.
Warm Up. Copy into notebook.
  1. * star : telescope :: cell : ________
  2. * casual : nonchalance :: serious : ___________
  3. * fix : correct :: change : ________
  4. * athlete : injury :: ________ : career
  5. * secret : revelation :: steady : __________
  6. * blow up : explode : play : _________
  7.  it : neuter :: him : ___________
  8. The only two second person pronouns are _______ and ________.
Go over Vocabulary Homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.
cavort, revelation, tremulous, whim, acclaim, oblivious, fervent, sublime, assimilate, clamor
  1. The new kid made a great effort to ___________ himself into the group at school.
  2. The ___________ that Les Goodman's car started made everyone afraid of him.
  3. The little league play had a ____________ desire to play in the majors. He dreamed about it every night.
  4. Her ____________ hand made the old lady's handwriting very difficult to read.
  5. (2) The musician's performance was _________; it gave me chills it was so good, and it earned him great ________.
  6. Often, second period is ____________ when I am giving directions, so they miss out on a lot of clues that would help them.
  7. (3) When Mr. Coward, on a __________, said there would be no homework this week, there was a great __________ from the class, and they started ____________ing and dancing in the aisles.

Done? Work on crossword or reading in MC.