Wednesday, 1/26/05 -- Reminder: 150+ word SHOW illustrating one of your reasons, due tomorrow! Change: You only have to be finished reading through Chapter 6 by tomorrow.
Warm Up.
1.   2. 
3. Read the first sentence of the last paragraph of chapter 5. "Translate."

Correct vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest. ** = +1/2 each, NOT a vocabulary word.
You will use each word only once.
omniscient, appalling, eloquent, zenith, bliss, fickle, apathetic,
prodigious, magnanimous, wary

  1. Tom : audacious :: Two-Bit : _________
  2. pariah : idol :: bottom : _________
  3. The couple had enjoyed 50 years of wedded ___________.
  4. He hit a ___________ home run. It was at least 500 feet long.
  5. Luck is ___________; one day you have it all good, and the next, it's all bad.
  6. The orphanage thanked the man for his ____________ donation.
  7. Tom _______(ily) snuck through the door and under the bed.
  8. His mom thought the violence in the video game was ___________.
  9. In The Outsiders, Ponyboy was a **________-person, limited narrator. He can tell us only what he sees and hears. In Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain is a **______-person, ___________ narrator, who knows everything about everybody.
  10. The class discussion was not very lively; the students were __________ about the topic.
120 Seconds.