Wednesday, 6/1/01 -- Early Release Schedule.
Example Research Paper in Write Stuff Book
Quiz #1. Solo. (14) Copy #1 and #2. Be sure
to label #3. For #6, either copy the correct spelling or write how the
word should be spelled. (+4 for all correct, +3 for -1, +2 for -2,
+1 for -3)
(2) 36/45 (-9) = ______% = ______ (grade)
10% of 200 = ________
(2) Draw a diagram of what a day and a year are, astronomically
(4) After __________ (who) ____________ed (what) ___________(where)
on _____________ (when), many Americans, who were once the same nationality
as the attackers, were held in interment camps
because they were seen as a threat to the US.
(4) Why are the Philadelphia '76ers named the '76ers? (Be
sure to include who, what, when, where.)
begginning, beggining, beginning, _________
Quiz #2. Open Mouth. (10) Write out the MC answers.
Bonus: What name suggestion of Beetle's was interrupted by the cat
purring? Write out the whole word.
Why does the merchant give Beetle the comb? a) He feels sorry
for her. b) He thinks she's kind of cute. c) She looks like
she needs a comb. d) All of the above. e) None of the above.
(4) Beetle's day at the fair was remarkable for four reasons.
What were they? Bonus: There is actually a fifth reason. What is it?
Why does Alyce save Will? a) She's scared she might go to
Hell if she doesn't. b) She's scared she'll be the one the village
blames for his death. c) She doesn't want to help send Will to Hell.
d) She says she doesn't know.
By "pluck" Will means...a) courage. b) gumption.
c) cleverness. d) all of the above. e) none of the above.
Who was given as the only example of someone who is actually
kind to Alyce?
Why is Alyce not scared of the dark like everyone else?
True/False. The mysterious footprints were what got the villagers
thinking that witches and devils were about.
Rough Draft Readers
The Midwife's Apprentice