Wednesday, 3/2/05 -- Early Release Schedule
Warm Up. Copy.
  1. * chest : pectoral :: stomach : ___________
  2. * antagonist : Injun Joe :: ___________ : Ph.D.
  3. * "away from standard" = ____________
  4. * "close to seer"  = __________
  5. * "after writing" = __________
  6. advisor : advisee :: antonym : __________
Review Business Letter requirements.
  • 250+ words. OK to invent business/subject of letter.

  • "Dear Mr. or Ms." NOT: "To Whom it may concern:"
  • Extra Credit for actually mailing letter.

  • Bring stamped, addressed envelope. Do not seal. More extra credit if you receive a response.
  • Follow form. Use ink or type. Be sure to sign.
  • 50 points. -5 for each mechanical error. -5 each day late.



    Correct Vocabulary Homework.
    Vocabulary Pretest. One word used twice. One not used.
    grisly, forsake, attrition, rollicking, jaded, countenance, convey, fresco, shanty, throng, absolve

    1. sticky : adhesive ::  forgive : ______
    2. Injun Joe has __________ plans for revenge.
    3. Tom felt lonely and __________(n) after Becky dumped him and Aunt Polly punished him.
    4. (2) We had a __________ good time at the state fair, even though there were __________(s) of people, and the lines were long.
    5. (3) The man had a _________  __________, with lines and wrinkles that __________(ed) lifetime of hard living.
    6. Graffiti on the side of a building would NOT be considered a __________.
    7. The boys didn't say anything, but their looks and gestures _________(ed) a lot.
    8. "I want to quit this _______," said Injun Joe. "I wanted to yesterday, only it warn't any use...with those infernal full view."
     Read aloud chapter 29.