Wednesday, 3/16/05 -- Early Release Schedule

Warm Up. Copy 1-5.

  1. * forgive : blame :: releases : _______ (Not arrests.)
  2. * friendly : mean :: dependable : ____________
  3. * Dally : irresponsible :: infinity : _________
  4. * Tom Sawyer : irresponsible :: Humpty Dumpty : __________
  5. * try : attempt :: project : _________
  6. (1) * If you saw a couple riding in a car with a license plate that said, "_________" you might guess they were both doctors. (haha)
Correct yesterday's warm up.
  1. * to read : illiterate :: to be read : ___________
  2. * read : illiterate :: think : __________ (2)
  3. Fresno : California :: Winston-Salem : ___________
  4. punk : rock :: bop : _________
  5. "Being me, it will not be white." a) He is turning in his theme on colored paper. b) His life experiences make him what he is, and that will come out in his writing. c) The teacher will automatically be prejudiced against his paper. d) The teacher will be able to tell it was written by a black person.
  6. "I guess you learn from me— although you’re older—and white— and somewhat more free." Langston Hughes is probably saying...a) that he has many things to teach his teacher. b) that his teacher can't really ever understand what his life is really like. c) that older people are sometimes wrong. d) All of the above. e) None of the above.
  7. (2) YMCA is an ____________ that stands for...
Correct "Titles" sheet. (/10) Keep.  |   Go over Vocabulary Homework. "I am lying."
Vocabulary Pretest. You will use words more than once.
montage, renaissance, defer, furrow, lapse, wherewithal, allusion, paradox
  1. (2) The musical was a sort of __________ of scenes, all related to one theme. It was full of ____________(s) to everything from rock and roll to Bach.
  2. Langston Hughes was a part of the Harlem __________ in the 20's through the 50's. Many other black artists and writers flourished during that time.
  3. (2) Even though Huck had the ____________ to live like everyone else, he didn't like it, and ___________(ed) into his old ways.
  4. When he was drafted, he got a _________(ment), and was allowed to finish out his last few months of college before going into the Army.
  5. (2) He __________(ed) his brow as he thought deeply about the question, and __________(ed) into silence.
  6. "The more you know, the more you realize you know nothing." is an example of a ______.
  7. One of Langston Hughes' most famous poems asks the question, "What happens to a dream _________(ed)? ...does it dry up...or does it explode?"