Wednesday, 5/4/05 - Early Release Schedule.
Warm Up. (+1/2 each)
  1. When you find a source related to your topic, what is the first thing you should do (assuming that it looks promising)?
  2. If the source is a book, where should you start reading? (2)
  3. Why is it important, when you take notes, to write down the page number where you found the information?
  4. True/False? You should write a detailed outline and stick to it as you research.
  5. What piece of information should always be first in the works cited (bibliography) entry (if you know it)?
  6. If the web address for a site is very long, what does that probably mean about that site?
  7. Topic: UFO's, do they exist? Less Reliable or Preferred?
Correct Outline Homework

Research Handouts:
Works Cited Format
Research Requirements and Notes

Charlotte aloud...