Thursday, 05/05/05 - Testing Schedule (Last Day!)

I. Warm Up. Do on a separate sheet. Goes into folder.
Use the white Works Cited handout to..
1. (4) ...identify each of the parts of the "Works Cited" entry labeled below. Be very specific.

ASchefter, Jim. B"Air Traffic Training Gets Real."
CPopular Science july 1991: D72

2. (5) ...find the 5 mistakes in the above entry.

II. Correct Outline Homework

III. Keyword Notes into writing! Practice with Birds.
1-4 ratio of notes to paper.
I. What are birds? (Characteristics)
  • warm-blooded  (1, p1)
  • but lay eggs (1, p1) 
  • feathers: all have, only animal with (1, p1) 
  • but not all fly (duh)
  • phylum: Chordata (w/backbone), class: Aves (birds) (3, p4)
  • 9,000+ species (3, p4) 
  • 1/2 = those that perch (1, p23)

    Birds are unique from other animals. The only animal with feathers, birds are from the phylum Chordata (meaning with a backbone), and the class, Aves (birds). Every species of bird has feathers, but not all birds fly. The penguin is an example of a bird with wings and feathers that doesn't fly. Birds are warm-blooded like mammals, but unlike mammals, they lay eggs. There are over 9,000 species of birds, over half of which are called perching birds. This means they "perch" or rest on branches and limbs, rather than on the ground.