Thursday, 5/19/05 (19)
Warm Up. Copy (1-3) into notebook. Collect rough draft pages.
  1. reference : encyclopedia :: periodical : ____________
  2. vision : sight :: location : _________ (sight)
  3. vision : sight :: credit : ________ (sight)
  4. Besides a book, a periodical, a reference book, and a web site, name another type of source for your research paper.
  5. What can you receive extra credit for on your research paper?
  6. All 4 margins of your paper should be ______ inch(es).
  7. The spacing of lines in your paper should be: a) single space.  b) double space.  c) triple space. d) one and a half space.
Research Quiz.  Open everything, including your neighbor!
  1. (5) Arrange in the correct sequence (write out): a) Works Cited.  b) Title Page. c) Table of contents. d) Introduction. e) Conclusion.
  2. Which of the following in-text citations is in the proper format? (Copy the bold-faced part.)
  3. (3) What's wrong with the other three?
  4. Which in-text citation is correct? (Copy the bold-faced part.)
  5. (3) What's wrong with the other three?
  6. Why would you have a citation like the following?
  7. What's wrong with the following Works Cited entry?

  8. 1.  Smith, Jimmy, and Jones, Johnny. Creative Clowning.
             Colorado Springs: Java Publishing, 1999.
  9. True/False. If all you get from a particular source is a picture, you don't have to put it on your works cited list.
  10. (2) You need at least ______ sources of at least ______ types for your paper.
Rough Draft Pages Aloud. There will be a quiz tomorrow on what you hear today.