Wednesday, 5/25/05 - Early Release Schedule
Warm Up. (+1 each)
  1. What does a fletcher do?
  2. What is a soothsayer?
Midwife Quiz. (13) Answer #1 using a complete sentence.
  1. Why do you think Beetle saved the cat? (Don't say she felt sorry for it.)
  2. (2) Why does Jane say she leaves Beetle outside when she delivers babies? What is the real reason?
  3. What do all the insults in the book so far insult?
  4. Why do the villagers dislike Jane the Midwife?
  5. (5) Name at least five duties that Beetle performs for Jane the Midwife.
  6. What incident prompted Beetle to start watching through the windows and learning from Jane?
  7. (2) What two unusual things prompted Beetle to start following Jane around?

Rough Draft Read-alouds.
The Midwife's Apprentice