Monday, 11/08/04
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. Copy into notebook.
  1. (1) Spiderman : Peter Parker :: alter ego : _______  ________
  2. Susan Hinton's boyfriend was instrumental in helping her write That Was Then, This Is Now. a) useless.  b) musical.  c) inspirational.  d) vital.
  3. Before The Outsiders, it was pretty much taboo for young adult books to cover the real concerns and emotions of a teenager. a) OK.  b) rare.  c) encouraged.  d) forbidden.
Outsiders Project
Finish Chapter 9/10/11.
Chapter 10
  1. How does Ponyboy get home from the hospital?
  2. When Pony told the rest of the gang how Dally ran out of the hospital, they...a) were all shocked, b) said they knew it would happen, c) realized that there were some things that affected even Dally, d) none of the above.
  3. Pony's injuries after the rumble included...a) shock, b) exhaustion, c) concussion, d) all of the above, e) none of the above.
  4. Why is Dally's death almost sadder than Johnny's? a) He didn't deserve it.  b) We had finally seen Dally as a human being. c) Because he was shot by the police. d) All of the above.
  5. What was the reason Pony gave for not wanting to eat while he was sick?
  6. "But I knew that was what Dally wanted...and he always got what he wanted." (p134)  Did he really always get what he wanted? Explain.
  7. (Bonus.) Was Dallas Winston gallant? Use an example or two from the book to back up what you say.
Chapter 11
  1. Thinking about Bob, Pony asks, "His parents let him run wild--because they loved him too much or too little?"(p141) Which do you think? What makes you think so?
  2. When Pony wonders how Bob's parents feel about Pony and Johnny, he...a) hopes Bob's parents hate them, b) hopes Bob's parents feel sorry for them, c) hopes Bob's parents understand why it happened, d) none of the above.
  3. In Chapter 11, Pony insists that he was the one that killed Bob, and that Johnny is alive. This is a stage of grief called...a) anger, b) acceptance, c) denial, d) shock, e) none of the above.
  4. In Chapter 11, Pony says that the only feeling he's had in a while has been...a) anger, b) resentment, c) relief, d) fear, e) none of the above.
  5. What does Darry do in Chapter 11 that "he's never done" before?
Done?  Correct "Last Quiz..." Correct Test #7.
S.E. Hinton Profile.