Thursday, 11/18/04 -- Welcome Parents
Warm Up. Copy into notebook.
  1. "chronologically advantaged"
  2. "governmental revenue($) enhancement"
  3. "intentionally inaccurate statement"
  4. * diligent : important :: nonchalant : ______
  5. * perceptible : imperceptible :: solicitous : _____
  6. * "nature study"
  7. * "hundred measure"
  8. anagram: Darry buy bra.
Mars Facts and Pics
  • Average temperature on Mars is about  -67, Martian surface temperatures range widely from as little as -207 at the winter pole to almost 80 on the day side during summer. 
  • A Martian year is  686.98 days.
  • The pressure is only 1% of Earth's. Almost no atmosphere.
  • Mars has permanent ice caps at both poles composed mostly of solid carbon dioxide ("dry ice").
  • Pics and facts courtesy of
Reading Check. "The Summer Night," "The Taxpayer," and "The Third Expedition" to page 40.
  1. (2) The short transition piece, "The Summer Night" (p14) is an extended kind of ____________(ing) of ______________...
  2. Why does the taxpayer (p31) want to go to Mars so badly?  a) He feels he deserves it.  b) He really needs a vacation.  c) He just wants to.  d) He wants to escape what's happening on Earth.  d) All of the above.  e) None of the above.
  3. When the Third Expedition lands on Mars, what does Mars look like?
  4. (2) The crew discusses two explanations for this.  Briefly summarize each of them.
  5. After this discussion, one of the men insists that the fact that Mars is this way is proof of the existence of _________.
  6. On their way to knock on the first door, two of the crew discuss another theory for why Mars is the way it is. What theory is that?
  7. The old lady's reaction to the men is similar to ________'s reaction to Captain Williams.
  8. (quote) When they say they're from Earth, she says something funny. What is that?
  9. (3) She also says that the town the men have landed in is ___________, _______, in the year _________.
  10. After that encounter, the crewmen come up with another theory. What is that?
  11. Bonus Question: Explain, using a diagram, why the distance from Earth to Mars changes with the time of year.
Read aloud "The Earth Men"