Friday, 10/15/04 -- Remember! Essay #1 (rough draft) is due Tuesday!
Prepare separate sheet for Test #5.
Mental Floss
  1. Which is smallest? nobis, nettikt, wrothag, useom, irgafef
  2. What number comes next? 1, 2, 2, 4, 8, ____
  3. How many seconds are there in a month? (Hint: This is not a math problem.)
  4. What state has the greatest percentage of its border in shoreline, including rivers?
  5. There are ten sheep walking in a straight line across a field. What numbered sheep can look back and say he is the third from the last in line?
  6. I have keys, but no locks. I have space, but no room. You can enter, but you can't come in. What am I?
Test #5
Then finish Outsiders, Chapter 6 questions in notebook.