Wednesday, 10/27/04
I. Warm Up. For 1-3 copy and punctuate (including indenting).
  1. (2) We gotta win that fight tonight Dally said His voice was hard We gotta get even with the Socs.
  2. (2) Johnny she said quietly your mother's here to see you I don't want to see her he said firmly.
  3. (1) Who said I have not yet begun to fight?
II. Correct Vocabulary Homework.
III. Vocabulary Pretest -- You will use words more than once. Do not copy. Add the suffixes.
audacious, diligent, prolific, bona fide, incognito, delirious, subtle, deduce, diffident
  1. His use of a fake beard and moustache was a pathetic attempt to be ____________.
  2. Winning the lottery made him ___________(ly) happy.
  3. He is a rather ______ liar; he tells so many lies, you can never tell which of his stories is true.
  4. His joke was very __________; it took me a while to get it.
  5. There was only a ________ difference between the two $100 bills...
  6. the bank clerk had to examine them very carefully to tell which was the ______ one.
  7. He practiced the skate trick _________(ly) until he got it right.
  8. Dally _________(ly) told the cop where he could go.
  9. "Now, now, don't be ___________; speak up!"
  10. obvious : subtle :: bogus : ___________
  11. On the show CSI, the crime scene investigators used science to _____ whom the killer was.
  12. Johnny and Pony were ______ when they went into the burning church to save the kids.
IV.  The Outsiders...Do Chapter 8 questions (6p)
  1. What word (that turns up often in this book) comes up again when Pony compares his mother to Johnny's? (Must be the EXACT word.)
  2. (quote) What makes Pony, for the first time, think of Dally as his buddy? (Use a quote from Dally.)
  3. On p111, we get an example of irony from Two-Bit. What is it?
  4. On p111, we also get an example of what seems to be foreshadowing. What is it?
  5. (quote) Use a quote from Cherry to show how Dally is like Bob.
  6. Why does Pony suddenly bring up the sunset when he is talking to Cherry? (p 114) What is he trying to say? a) "I understand your problems now." b) He's trying to change the subject, because Johnny's condition is too sad to talk about. c) "Can I come over to your house to watch the sunset?"  d) He's trying to make her feel guilty.
  7. Bonus (extra credit): Pony goes off on Cherry (p113) because he thinks that she is _______(ing) him by helping the greasers before the rumble. (Use a previous vocabulary word.)
Correct Chapter 7 on Test #6  (12p)
Chapter 9 aloud...