List 17. Spelling. In your notebook, write the correct spelling of each boldfaced, underlined word. Some are already correct, most are not. Also be on the lookout for any other mechanical mistakes to fix for extra credit.
  1. A soup can is shaped like a cylindar.
  2. Does the fuel gage show that we need gas?
  3. There are too many things plugged into this circite.
  4. Her camera came with a lifetime garantee.
  5. Please vaccuum the rug you spilled crumbs everywhere.
  6. Farming as a livelyhood is hard work.
  7. The motorized scooter was a nusance to the neighbors.
  8. Let's buy our tickets prier to the show.
  9. Having detention was a consaquence of being tardy.
  10. His tung was stuck to the frozen rail.
  11. Dust and dirt can trigger an asma attack.
  12. What's the difference between a tortice and a turtle?
  13. A hot biskit with jelly is tasty.
  14. This shade of baige has a lot of gray in it.
  15. A scholar studies for years to gain knowledge.
  16. Our campain to end all homework failed.
  17. F.B.I stands for Federal Burou of Investigation.
  18. "When the bow (of the tree) breaks, the cradle will fall..."
  19. I am the emperer of this classroom.
  20. The seeds of the razberry stuck in my teeth.
  21. The gas milage of SUVs is very poor.
  22. Please use a seperate sheet of paper for the essay.
  23. A drummer should have good rythm.
  24. The Welshman comes from a forein country.
  25. Are these two triangles simular?
Vocabulary. First, look up the words below, and write the definition and the part-of-speech (POS) for each in your notebook. Then fill in the blanks below with the correct words.  (Due Wednesday.) gratification, imperishable, jeer, stupor, bode (vt), waned/waxed, wretch, oppressive, effusive, clamorous
  1. The house was made of almost ____________ stone. It would be there for many, many years.
  2. Muff was in a __________ after the whiskey and the whack on the head.
  3. He greeted us __________(ly), as though we were long-lost friends whom he missed very much.
  4. There was ___________ applause as the rock star stepped on stage.
  5. When Tom was painting the fence, the kids came to __________, but they stayed to paint.
  6. After it is full, the moon begins to _________.
  7. In the Bible, Job was a poor ___________ whom God "tested" by sending him disaster after disaster.
  8. The court jester performed for the _______________ of the king.
  9. His performance in the first quarter __________(s) well for the rest of the game.
  10. The teacher was so strict, and there were so many rules in that classroom, the atmosphere was _____________.