Thursday, 9/16/04
Warm Up. Copy into notebook
The star (*) means the answer is either a spelling OR a vocabulary word from this week's list.
  1. *ridiculous : serious :: nervous : _________
  2. *rewrite : revision :: story : ___________
  3. *sage : wise :: artist : _________
  4. *connotation : feeling :: denotation : _________
  5. *dig : understand :: fathom : __________
  6. dig : like :: fuzz : _______ (slang)
Adjective Practice. List the adjectives you find in each sentence. (+1/2 each correct.)
  1. (5) "He has big black eyes and a dark tanned face..."
  2. (1) "Leave my kid brother alone, you hear?"
  3. (2) "Two-Bit nodded sagely. 'Nice cut, too. Makes you look tough.'"
  4. (?) "He would've run away a million times if we hadn't been there"
The Outsiders aloud. To the end of Chapter 1.

Reading Check -- The Outsiders (12) -- In notebook, do not copy. Open book.

  1. (3) "They are right. You are a hood."(p. 17) Who is talking? What is going on? What does this scene show us about how Pony feels about being a greaser?
  2. Soc: greaser :: Dally : __________
  3. In chapter one, how can we tell that, deep down, Pony knows that Darry loves him, even though Pony says he doesn't? Use a quote from Pony from page 19.
  4. (7) Match the character with the characteristics:
  5. a) Dally
    b) Soda
    c) Darry
    d) Johnny
    e) Two-Bit
    f) Ponyboy
    g) Steve
    --"gets drunk on plain living"
    --Always has to have the last word
    --The "loner" of the group
    --Scared of his own shadow
    --Got out of the "cooler" early for "good behavior"
    --cold and hard and unfeeling (according to our narrator)
    --Thinks Pony is a tag-along and a kid