Spelling (25) 
Do the ones you missed on Monday.
  1. A bright flaim burned in the campfire.
  2. Keep flammeable fabrics away from heat.
  3. Use a match to ignight the wood.
  4. A car needs fuel for the ignetion to work.
  5. Gold was discovered at this presicespot.
  6. A jewel must be cut with careful precison.
  7. Is a metere longer than a yard?
  8. The metrick system is one way of measuring.
  9. This micrascope magnifies the smallest items.
  10. This bug is so tiny it is almost micrascopic.
  11. I knew it was serious by his grave look.
  12. The gravety of the problem had us worried.
  13. I am gratefull for your help with my report.
  14. He showed his gratetude by giving me a gift.
  15. She will revize her essay to make it shorter.
  16. This revison will improve your story.
  17. Our best athalete plays football and baseball.
  18. Exercise often if you want an atheletic body.
  19. Our town humaine society ca res for stray cats.
  20. All humanaty will benefit from the new drug.
  21. One scoop of ice cream will be sufficent for dessert.
  22. One scoop of ice cream will suffice.
  23. A lack of practice will impeade your progress.
  24. A lack of practice will be an impedement.
  25. I heard the boom of the explostion.
  26. The firecracker got wet and couldn't exsplode.
Vocabulary - You might use words more than once. You might not use them all. If you are exempt, do only #7. -- cavort, revelation, tremulous, whim, acclaim, oblivious, fervent, sublime, assimilate, clamor
  1. In the past, immigrants to the US tried to __________ themselves into the American culture.
  2. It was quite a __________ when my English teacher showed himself to be an alien.
  3. Germs and amoebae "eat" by ___________(ing) their "food."
  4. secret : revelation :: steady : __________
  5. (3) When Mr. Coward, on a ______, said there would be no homework this week, there was a great ________ from the class, and they started _________(ing) and dancing in the aisles.
  6. (2) The musician's performance was _____; it gave me chills it was so good, and it earned him great ______.
  7. silly : grave :: ridiculous : _________

Test #12.  Record: a) your vocabulary homework score (/25), b) your score on the "pink sheet" (/60), c) your MC reading check score (/6), and d) any extra credit you may have earned this week (+4 min/+10 max). No crossword? -10.

Pronouns and Antecedents - Do not copy.

  1. The antecedent of a pronoun usually come (before/after) the pronoun in the sentence.
  2. Everyone brought _________ homework today.
  3. Many fans burned ___________ own pirate copy of the cd.
  4. All of the cheese was still in ________ packaging.
  5. Both of the teachers were happy with ________ classes' behavior.
  6. Neither of the teachers wanted ________ students to go home with wet feet.
  7. she: person? number? 
  8. they: person? number? 
  9. ours: person? number? 
  10. it : person? number? 
  11. you: person? number?
  1. Where does the title for the story "There Will Come Soft Rains" come from?
  2. (2) On p179, Mom says, "I can see that'll cause trouble later..." What will cause trouble, and why?
  3. (5) Give an example from the book that illustrates each of the following "big ideas": a) cultural clash.  b)  revenge. c) jealousy. d) persistence/perseverence e) courage.