Thursday, 12/01/05
Warm Up. Copy 1-5.
  1. * complicated : elementary :: social : ________
  2. * fair : discriminatory :: realistic : _________
  3. * insult : derogatory :: unacceptable : __________
  4. * sing : croon :: pay : ___________
  5. * complimentary : derogatory :: unusual : ___________
  6. True/False. Possessive pronouns sometimes use apostrophes.
Correct "Pink" Sheet.
"Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla"
Pronouns. List the pronouns you find in the following sentences. Write PP next to the possessive ones.
  1. The passengers scrambled to find their luggage; they even got on their hands and knees to pick up the stuff.
  2. One guy asked, "Who owns a pink and yellow shirt? This isn't mine."
  3. "I found a comb!" exclaimed one person. "Whose is it?"
  4. "I was surprised that anyone could find anything in that pile," said a girl.
"Ylla" (p1-8)
  1. (3) Name/describe three pieces of Martian technology that seem different than ours.
  2. True/False. The Martian civilization is relatively young.
  3. What clue do we get that Mr. and Mrs. K's marriage isn't so happy any more, even before the dreams start?
  4. Who is Nathaniel York?
  5. When Mrs. K asks her husband if he's ever wondered if people did live on Earth, what is his response?
  6. Which best describes Mr. K's reaction to his wife's dreams? a) understanding and sympathy.  b) anger and jealousy.  c) wonder and surprise.  d) humor and amusement.
  7. (2) What is Mrs. K's first name? Mr. K?
  8. In Mrs. K's dream, what does the rocket man promise her he will do?