Thursday, 2/9/06
Warm Up. Copy (1-7) into notebook with title and date. (* could mean vocabulary.)
  1. * "against throw thing" = _________
  2. * "under stand person" = _________
  3. * "stand thing" = ___________ (3)
  4. * "above stand things" = __________
  5. * "carry page" = ________
  6. * "together throw thing" = _________
  7. * "Wow!" is an example of a(n) _________
  8. * "Well, you didn't get a lick _________, I reckon. You been in some other audacious mischief, like as not." (Who said?)
Tom Sawyer, Chapter 14 (6p)
  1. What does Tom think (due to his superstition) he will get, since the inchworm crawled across him?
  2. Where is the boy's raft now?
  3. (3) The boom the boys hear is ______________, and it means the villagers _____________, and that makes them feel _________. (These are NOT one-word answers.)
  4. Why are the boys consciences bothering them at the end of Chapter 14?
  5. BONUS: What is quicksilver?
(Some Classes: 120 Seconds)
from Mark Twain's "Advice to Youth" What do you think comes next?
  1. "Always obey your parents, when they are present."
  2. "Be respectful to your superiors, if you have any..."
  3. "You want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught."
  4. "If a person offend you, and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional or not, do not resort to extreme measures; simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick."
Tom Sawyer Aloud. Chapter 15.
Thanks to PBS for the pics.