Friday, 1/13/05
Prepare separate sheet for Test #13.
Mental Floss.
  1. Two friends were talking. Bob said "Have you ever thought about what rhymes with orange?" Ben replied, "Nothing rhymes with orange."

  2. "Actually something rhymes with orange," said Bob. Who is right? Explain.
  3. What is one half of 2, plus 2?
  4. You have 27 marbles. You have 4 cups. Put an odd number of marbles in each cup.
  5. Natives on a strange island are either Truth-sayers or Liars. You come across three of them and ask the first, "Are you a Truth-sayer or a Liar?" He mumbles something that you don't understand. The second one says (about the first one) "He says that he's a Truth-sayer." The third one says (about the second one) "He's lying." Who's lying and who's telling the truth?
  6. What has the body of a male human, the eyes of a deer, the legs of a rabbit, and says "moo"? (Trick.)
  7. Their are for mestakes in this teaser.

  8. Is that statement true or false? Name the errors.
Test #13.
Work on 600 words, Trackwords, read, doodle (theme: time travel), nap.