1. It fights germs.
3. Forgave.
5. The noun and the verb are spelled the same, but pronounced differently.
6. Not naive.
7. The cars in Michigan need it more than the cars here.
9. PS.
10. Carry.
11. Mr. Anderson is part of it.
14. Kidnapped.
16. Your ticket in.
18. Not the protagonist.
21. High-spirited.
23. Weird.
25. After college.
27. Sticky.
28. Weakening from constant attack.
29. Shack.
30. It makes the heart grow fonder.
31. Horrible.
1. Change.
2. Facial expression.
3. Soak up.
4. Counselor.
8. Wall painting.
12. Torso area.
13. Put off until later.
14. Stop and go are examples.
15. Abandon.
17. The verb form of 11A.
19. Complete.
20. Huge crowd.
22. Pretend it happened later.
23. Obnoxious or rough.
24. Enough.
26. Kinda gross.
List #16