Thursday, 3/2/06
Warm Up. Copy into notebook.
* cold : ________ :: * germs : _________
* "away from feel" = _________
* "away from lead" = ________
present: catch past: ______ past participle:
present: eat past: ______ past participle:
present: begin past: ______ past participle:
Persuasive Examples. State Writing Test on Tuesday.
Tom Sawyer. Chapter 30. 11p.
Until the Welshman said it, what word had Huck never heard
directed at him before?
What secret does the Welshman keep from everyone?
(2) When Huck is talking to the Welshman about Injun Joe,
he's trying very hard not to mention two things. What are they?
(3) When/Where/How are Tom and Becky discovered missing?
(2) What two signs of Becky and Tom do the searchers find
in the cave?
At the end of Chapter 30, how long have Tom and Becky been
in the cave?
Why doesn't Huck know Tom is lost in the cave?
Video Excerpt: Muff/Tom's Testimony
Tom Sawyer Aloud, Chapter 31. You read!