Friday, 3/31/06 -- End of the Third Quarter.
Prep your paper. Follow the example! (CROSS OUT +4)

3/27: +2
3/28: +4
3/29: +3
Pink Sheet: 12/15
Reading Check: 5/6
Red Book: 7/10, 10/11, 8/10

Test #20

Lloyd Bridges
3rd Period
 Moodle Score: 9/30 + 10 (exempt) + 5 + 3(MF) = 27/30


Mental Floss.
  1. What famous fictional character is represented here?
    ants, beetles, termites, rabbit
  2. Follow these steps and see if you can figure this out.

  3. 1) Get a brown, cardboard box.
    2) Get purple, orange, and turquoise paints.
    3) Paint the box orange.
    4) Paint on purple spots.
    5) Paint on turquoise stripes.
    7) Turn it upside down.
    8) Lie on your side.

    What is missing from this sequence?

  4. Assuming you can't steal an animal's sense of hearing, or use an electrical device, what would you need in order to hear a pin drop from over 20 yards away?
Go to Moodle LOG IN, and take Test #20.
Then go back to work on your Wiki.
We will have a full list of requirements on Monday.