Friday, 5/19/06 -- Extra credit opportunity (when you're finished): Answer up to 5 different questions from other classes!
Research Quiz - Record score from yesterday's quiz (/18). Turn in your signature sheet.
Mental Floss
1) You have no skill at magic tricks, yet you make a bet with your friend for $25. You tell him to pick a card, take a look at it, and put it back in the deck. You then shuffle the deck as many times as your friend wishes. You will then hand back your friend's chosen card. Even though you possess no magic skill whatsoever, and you have no idea what your friend picked, you can still win this bet. How?
2) A man walked into Sam and Ellas's Cafe and sat down at a table exactly two and one quarter feet from the window. The first waitress with straight hair came over to take his order, but he sent her away and asked for the waitress with curly hair to take his order.  He ordered a cucumber and cheddar cheese sandwich, a cup of Cuban coffee, and a chocolate chip cinnamon bun.  After taking the order, the curly haired waitress immediately said,  "You must be in the army."  She was right, but how did she know?
Part One. (9)
First Period.
  1. What did Elvis want instead of the guitar he got for his birthday?
  2. True/False. A dog's diet should have a lot of variety.
  3. Barbie was invented in the... a) 40's.  b) 50's.  c) 60's.  d) 70's.
  4. The meaty part of cocoa beans is called a ______.
  5. When these are ground up, the result is called chocolate _________. (Wrong spelling OK.)
  6. True/False. Elvis, as a kid, was too shy to perform in public.
  7. True/False. Mattel was very enthusiastic from the beginning about the idea of Barbie.
  8. What was the other suggestion, besides the heavy ball in the food bowl, to get your dog to slow his eating?
  9. How many letters are there in the correct answer to this question? 
Second Period
  1. Genghis Kahn was originally named Temujin, after ___________.
  2. Name at least one negative side effect of steriod use.
  3. What is the main "benefit" of steriod use?
  4. The yeti legend originated in what country?
  5. The original video game, Pong, was introduced in the... a) 50's.  b) 60's. c) 70's.  d) 80's.
  6. True/False. Elvis was a "mama's boy."
  7. What did Elvis want instead of the guitar he got for his birthday?
  8. In a videogame, more bits means better _________(s). (Be specific.)
  9. How many letters are there in the correct answer to this question? 
Third Period.
  1. (2) On weekdays, typical prisoner at Alcatraz had to get up at _______ a.m. and have his bed made in _____ minutes
  2. (2) The terrorists at the '72 Munich Olympics entered the compound by _____________, and being disguised as ____________.
  3. What was one of the non-scientific arguments against time travel that Daniel mentioned?
  4. True/False. Hitler was an only child.
  5. (2) One of the _____+ names for Bigfoot is Sasquatch, which literally means _____ _____.
  6. How many letters are there in the correct answer to this question? 
Fourth Period
  1. True/ False. Joan of Arc was uninjured in the battle of Les Tourelles, and that was one of the reasons the French Army trusted her.
  2. The origins of soccer-like games can be traced back to ancient times in what country?
  3. True/False. The king of England once banned soccer because the people were so obsessed with it, they wouldn't work any more.
  4. (2) Ruby named four main ways tsunamis are formed. Name 2.
  5. Wayne Gretzky first started skating when he was how old?
  6. True/False. Wayne Gretzky's grandma was actually his first coach.
  7. True/False. Joan of Arc was driven to do what she did by the voice of God in her head.
  8. How many letters are there in the correct answer to this question? 


Part Two. (26)
There is no need to copy anything, unless otherwise instructed to do so.

  1. (10) Either copy (if correct) or fix (if incorrect) each of the citations below (write out the just bold-faced part). There might be more than one way to fix some of them.
  2. reference : _________ :: periodical : newspaper
  3. vision : sight :: ________ : site
  4. vision : sight :: credit : ________
  5. Besides a book, a periodical, a reference book, and a web site, name another type of source for your research paper.
  6. True/False. You need to use five sources, all of different types, for your research paper.
  7. True/False. You will receive extra credit if your title page has a picture related to your topic.
  8. True/False. Your Works Cited page counts as one of your 5 page minimum.
  9. True/False. Your introduction counts as part of your 5 page minimum.
  10. Give an example of how you would cite the source of a picture you use in your paper.
  11. (4) Fill in the blanks:
  12. (3) What's wrong (if anything) with the following Works Cited entries? If the entry is correct, write "correct."
  13.                    Colorado Springs: Java Publishing, 1999.