Tuesday, 5/23/06
Warm Up. For 1-5, list the subject of the sentence (+1/2), and then the appropriate verb (+1/2). For 6-8, refer to "One Ordinary Day, with Peanuts." (For 6-8, for every wrong answer,  you lose one extra credit point from #1-5.) 7 minutes.
  1. The students in the honors class (is, are) doing a new project.
  2. Meals on the road (is, are) a problem.
  3. The list of names of winners (is, are) being read now.
  4. Down the river (rushes, rush) the racing canoes.
  5. (Does, Do) this restaurant's fish sandwiches taste fishy?
  6. Mr. Johnson began the day feeling... a) rushed.  b) hopeful.  c) cheerful.  d) lazy. e) all of the above.
  7. When Mr. Johnson met the woman moving to Vermont, her mood was one of... a) anger.  b) anxiety. c) excitement. d) depression. e) all of the above.
  8. Unlike the other pedestrians on the avenue, Mr. Johnson was... a) in a hurry.  b) window shopping.  c) relaxed and patient.  d) on his way to work.  e) none of the above.
Correct Pink Sheet (p170 -- 22p)

"One Ordinary Day, with Peanuts"
Read aloud to end.
Answer the folowing in your notebook. (11p)

  1. (2) p 358 Comprehension Check #3 (3rd bullet question)
  2. (2) p 358 Think Critically #3. Be sure to explain why you think so.
  3. (5) p 359 Do the 5 vocabulary questions. You may use the book.
  4. (1) How is the ending ironic?
  5. (1) What is your theory for why they do it?