Wednesday, 11/02/05 -- Early Release Schedule
Warm Up. Copy. The anagrams have to be spelled correctly.
  1. * "circle-like" = ______
  2. * "again circle"  = _______
  3. * "across measure" = _______
  4. * "hundred measure"  = ________
  5. Outsiders anagram: Stan's Lawn Idol. (Don't use the apostrophe.)
  6. Outsiders anagram: The Wild Scab.
  7. (1) Outsiders anagram: Envy Her Rascal.
Correct Vocabulary Homework.
Vocabulary Pretest -- You might use words more than once.
hieroglyph, (im)perceptible, telepathy, sallow (adj), solicitous, peevish, neurosis, trivial, rigmarole
  1. "I'm not speaking, I'm thinking," she said. "__________!"
  2. Mr. K was "reading from a metal book with raised _________(s) over which he brushed his hand," much like a blind person would read Braille.
  3. (2) My mom knew I was up to something when I suddenly went from being __________ to being __________. I was never that nice without wanting something in return.
  4. He didn't get outside much, so he had sort of a __________ complexion.
  5. diligent : nonchalant : important : ______
  6. (2) Being _______(ic) might lead to ___________ if you couldn't filter out other people's thoughts from your own. You'd go crazy!
  7. The change in the room was almost __________; if you didn't look very carefully, you wouldn't notice it.
  8. The Martian  thought that his muddy boots were a _________ thing, that the fact that he had come from another planet was much more important.
  9. Sometimes the legal system seems like a lot of __________, but every procedure and rule has a reason behind it.


Outsiders - Write out the answers to the multiple choice questions.
Chapter 8

  1. What word (that turns up often) comes up again when Pony compares his mother to Johnny's?
  2. ("quote") What makes Pony, for the first time, think of Dally as his buddy? (Use a quote from Dally.)
  3. On p111, we get an example of irony from Two-Bit. What is it?
  4. On p111, we also get an example of what seems to be foreshadowing. What is it?
  5. Why does Pony suddenly bring up the sunset when he is talking to Cherry? (p 114) What is he trying to say? a) "I understand your problems now." b) He's trying to change the subject, because Johnny's condition is too sad to talk about. c) "Can I come over to your house to watch the sunset?"  d) He's trying to make her feel guilty.  e) He's trying to show her how patronizing she is being.
Chapter 9
  1. Pony says that the greasers "always get spruced up before a rumble." This is... a) to surprise the Socs, b) to show off, c) to show the Socs they weren't trash, d) all of the above, e) none of the above.
  2. Steve fights for...a) conformity, b) action, c) hatred, d) pride.
  3. Darry fights for...a) pride, b) conformity, c) the action, d) hatred, e) all of the above, f) none of the above.
  4. What makes Tim Shepard's gang and the Brumly boys different from Pony and his gang? a) The Shepard and Brumly gangs are not very well organized, b) The Shepard and Brumly gangs are a lot older, c) The Shepard and Brumly gangs were going to be hoods all their lives, d) Pony and his gang used knives, e) none of the above, f) all of the above.
  5. Pony compares the scene of Darry and the Soc, Paul, circling each other to...a) a scene from a JD movie, b) a boxing match, c) a wrestling match, d) wolves in a Jack London book.
  6. How did Dally get out of the hospital? a) snuck out, b) bribed a nurse to let him out, c) the doctor said he was well enough to leave, d) "talked" the nurse into it.
  7. What lie does Dally tell the police officer as his excuse for speeding?
  8. On page 128, Dally starts raving wildly: " get tough like me and you don't get hurt. You look out for yourself and nothin' can touch you..." How is this ironic?
  9. (3p) What advice does Johnny give to Pony? What does he mean?
Finish Chapter 10 silently.