Monday, 11/07/05
Copy homework into assignment book.
Outsiders Project
Warm Up. Copy into notebook. This is this week's vocabulary. (+1 each)
  1. Spiderman : Peter Parker :: alter ego : s_______  i________
  2. Susan Hinton's boyfriend was instrumental in helping her write That Was Then, This Is Now. a) useless.  b) musical.  c) inspirational.  d) vital.
  3. It takes a lot of stamina to finish a marathon.  a) guts.  b) courage.  c) endurance. d) food.
  4. "Taming the Star Runner, Hinton's fifth book, was a departure for her," because it wasn't told in the first person.  a) exit.  b) change of pace.  c) disappointment.  d) struggle.
"Conjunction Junction!"
Pink Sheet p28. Page 29 is due tomorrow!
Finish and Correct Test #8
Chapter 12!