Wednesday, 10/19/05 -- Early Release Schedule
Warm Up. Copy 1-4.
  1. * included : excluded :: beginning : ___________
  2. * smile : snarl :: grin : ________
  3. * "piece thing" = __________ (2 @ 1/2 each)
  4. * "before write thing" = _________
  5. (2) Sentence Scramble: (a) long and painful experience  (b) Dally was scowling  (c) were blazing like that  (d) than to talk to him (e) I knew better (f) and from (g) when his eyes
Correct Vocabulary HomeworkVocabulary Pretest #6   (-0 = E, -1 = +3, -2 = +2, -3 = +1)
Yes, you will use words more than once. No, do not copy. Yes, add the suffixes.
grimace, delinquent, circumvent, reminisce, juvenile, defunct, speculate, delirious
  1. At the family reunion, we sat around _______(ing) about the last reunion.
  2. Please stop being so ________ about not getting your way. Quit stamping your feet!
  3. His account was 2 weeks ___________, and they were about to close it.
  4. Malicious mischief is what they call most of the vandalism committed by _______(s).
  5. The thief __________(ed) the alarm system, and was able to steal the jewels.
  6. "I get _________ whenever you're near. I lose all self-control baby, just can't steer." (+1 for who.)
  7. beginning : conclusion :: reminisce : _________
  8. The school newspaper has been _______ for a while, but they hope to revive it this year.
  9. I __________(ed) at the thought of facing my 94 year old grandma with my long hair.
  10. Johnny ______(ed) as he thought about what happened in the park that night.
The Outsiders... Chapter 6.
  1. (2 Quotes) What two reasons does Dally give to try to convince Johnny not to turn himself in?
  2. Explain why Johnny's behavior (not scared, having fun, very decisive) inside the burning church is ironic.
  3. Explain why Johnny's behavior inside the burning church is not ironic.
  4. Why is it ironic that Pony wanted to take off Dally's jacket because it was too hot?
  5. Why is it ironic when Jerry says, "...Or are you just professional heroes or something?"
  6. (quote) How/when does Pony finally realize that Darry really does care about him?
  7. In chapter 6, S. E. Hinton uses humor several times to "take the edge off" the seriousness of the fire in the church. Give one example. There are at least three. (+1 each extra)
Chapter 7.
  1. Why do the Curtises leave their front door unlocked?
  2. (2) What nicknames do they use for Darry?
  3. Why was Darry so upset when Steve referred to him as "all brawn and no brain"?
  4. (2) What legal trouble do Pony and Johnny face for the "Bob incident"?
  5. (2) (quote) What reason does Ponyboy give Randy for going into the church to save the kids? (Two possible answers.)
  6. (quote) What did Bob want from his parents that he never got?
  7. How is Bob like Johnny?
  8. (2) Back in Chapter 2 Pony said, "I really couldn't see what Socs had to sweat about--good grades good cars, good girls, madras, and Mustangs...I know better now." (p 34) How is Pony beginning to "know better now?" Use an example from Chapter 7 in your answer. (Hint: p102-103)