Thursday, 10/27/05
I. Warm Up. Copy 1-6.
  1. * nonchalant : diligent :: audacious : ___________
  2. * clueless : savvy :: counterfeit : ________
  3. * obvious : subtle :: customary : _______
  4. * quit : resign :: infer : ___________
  5. * Bunnies are rather ____________ breeders.
  6. (1) rapped, wrapped, ________
  7. beginning, participation, punctuate, investigation, all correct
  8. Copy and punctuate. S.E. Hinton said I don't mind having two identities in fact I like keeping the writer part separate. (4 pieces of punctuation.)
II. REMINDER: Perfect II: Due Thursday, 11/3...Halloween theme, 10 words from List #6 or List #7 (words indicated), 2 lines of dialogue (like #7 above), 300 words (with word count), NDP, not ripped, ink.
III. Correct Test #6
IV. OUTSIDERS...Chapter 7.
  1. Why do the Curtises leave their front door unlocked?
  2. (2) What nicknames do they use for Darry?
  3. ("quote") Why was Darry so upset when Steve referred to him as "all brawn and no brain"?
  4. (2) What legal trouble does Johnny face for the "Bob" incident?
  5. What legal trouble does Pony face for the "Bob" incident?
  6. (2) ("quote") What reason does Ponyboy give Randy for going into the church to save the kids? (Two answers/one quote.)
  7. ("quote") What did Bob want from his parents that he never got?
  8. How is Bob like Johnny? a) Johnny is dying and Bob is dead.  b) They hated each other. c) They both needed their parents to pay attention to them.  d) They both were good at fighting.
  9. "Greaser didn't have anything to do with it...It's the individual." (p102) Pony means...a) most Socs wouldn't have gone in to save the kids. b) most greasers wouldn't have gone in to save the kids.  c) you can't tell everything about a person by the group he's a part of. d) All of the above.
  10. *Bonus (extra credit) Why did Sandy leave? (p111)
Chapter 8
  1. What word (that turns up often) comes up again when Pony compares his mother to Johnny's?
  2. ("quote") What makes Pony, for the first time, think of Dally as his buddy? (Use a quote from Dally.)
  3. On p111, we get an example of irony from Two-Bit. What is it?
  4. On p111, we also get an example of what seems to be foreshadowing. What is it?
  5. ("quote") Use a quote from Cherry to show how Dally is like Bob.
  6. Why does Pony suddenly bring up the sunset when he is talking to Cherry? (p 114) What is he trying to say? a) "I understand your problems now." b) He's trying to change the subject, because Johnny's condition is too sad to talk about. c) "Can I come over to your house to watch the sunset?"  d) He's trying to make her feel guilty.
  7. Bonus (extra credit): Pony goes off on Cherry (p113) because he thinks that she is _____(ing) him by helping the greasers before the rumble. (Use a previous vocabulary word.)