Pretest #16 -- As always, look for other mistakes to fix for extra credit. Also for extra credit: Do what #16 says, fill in the blank in #21, figure out the root definitions.
  1. An antaseptic will kill germs in a cut.
  2. Stick on the bandage with adheasive tape.
  3. Who can adminaster first aide to the injured?
  4. This sponge can abzorb a lot of water.
  5. The campers had an adaquate supply of food for the week.
  6. He claimed to have been adducted by aliens.
  7. Snow is abnormle in warm climates.
  8. Let's postpoan the game until the rain stops.
  9. The admision price for the theme park is expensive.
  10. Put a postscript at the end of your letter.
  11. My adviser urged me to take this math class.
  12. All managers must be good at adminastration.
  13. The ruler was overthrown for an abuze of power.
  14. The witness swore to tell the absalute truth.
  15. List an antinym for spelling word #11.
  16. A simple ajustment will fix the printer.
  17. The car needs antafreeze in cold weather.
  18. To get a master's degree you must take postgraduit classes.
  19. I had to postdate the check for the next day.
  20. The antaganist is in conflict with the ________. For example, in Tom Sawyer, Injun Joe is in conflict with Tom.
  21. "Absense make the heart grow fonder."
  22. His personality was so abraisive, they compared him to sanpaper.
  23. Homer was mistaken for an abominible snowman.
  24. He did sit ups to strengthen his abdominal muscles.
Tom Sawyer Study Questions, Chapters 27-31 (Bonus: Tell which questions are from which chapters.)
  1. What made Tom think he had dreamed the whole thing in the haunted house?
  2. What does Tom dream about? What does Huck dream about? What does this tell us about the differences in the two boys' outlook for the future?  Tom might be called a  _________, whereas, Huck might be seen as a ________. Why might this be?
  3. If Injun Joe is drunk, why won't the boys go back and grab the box from his lair?
  4. Why does Injun Joe want revenge on the widow? What does he want to do to her?
  5. "Huckleberry Finn indeed; it ain't a name to open many doors, I judge. But let him in lads, and let's see what's the trouble." Who? What?
  6. How/when are Tom and Becky discovered missing?
  7. "It's a name that can open this door night or day, lad!--and welcome!"Who's talking? What's going on? Who's he talking about? Why has his attitude changed? What is "unusual  about this statement?
  8. What would you do in the cave?
  9. Why didn't Injun Joe chase Tom?
Roots: ant(i) =_______, ad = _________, ab = ___________, post = _________
Vocabulary -- grisly, forsake, attrition, rollicking, jaded, countenance, convey, fresco, shanty, throng, absolve
  1. (2) There were __________(s) of people at the huge stadium concert, and it was a __________, fun-loving crowd.
  2. The judge _________(ed) him and set him free.
  3. The cafe had a nice ___________ painted on the wall of the patio area.
  4. After she lied to everyone, her friends had ____________(n) her.
  5. It is hard to tell what he is thinking. His ____________ rarely changes expression.
  6. The __________ scene in the graveyard horrified the village.
  7. Many reggae singers sing of growing up in the poor _______-towns of Jamaica.
  8. Dally's childhood on the streets left him angry and __________.
  9. Historians call WWI a war of ___________, where each side simply wanted to do as much damage as possible to the other side.
  10. Words sometimes cannot __________ our true feelings.