Jim and her corraspond by e-mail.
She didn't like the arrangment of the room.
The homework handed in was illegable.
The store sells a wide asortment of items.
An iregular heartbeat is not normal.
He teaches illitarate adults how to read.
His first atempt at cooking was a disaster.
We sat in our accustumed seats on the bus.
The students were very imature when the substitute
was here.
Vandalism is an iresponsable act.
The police hope to arrest a suspect soon.
It is ilogical to wear shorts in the snow.
Is the crack in the vase irreparable?
The long distance seemed imeasurable.
I must have more of that iresistible pie.
Will you accompany her to the dance?
A cast imobilizes the bones so they can heal.
The fire in the museum destroyed some irreplacible
Your asignment will be to write a research
His Mom was ticketed for parking in an illeagle
How much money is in your acount?
I can assure you that he is telling the truth.
Moon Shadow is an immagrant to this country.
A good student will have several attributes.
Alcohol can make even a smart person irational.
5. "I'm my own grandpa!"
6. There was one in Europe from the 14th-16th centuries.
7. Procrastinators do this.
8. Reference.
1. Bling Bling!
2. Collage.
3. Don't do this with your house payments.
4. On your brow or in the field. |