Pretest 18
  1. Jim and her corraspond by e-mail.
  2. She didn't like the arrangment of the room.
  3. The homework handed in was illegable.
  4. The store sells a wide asortment of items.
  5. An iregular heartbeat is not normal.
  6. He teaches illitarate adults how to read.
  7. His first atempt at cooking was a disaster.
  8. We sat in our accustumed seats on the bus.
  9. The students were very imature when the substitute was here.
  10. Vandalism is an iresponsable act.
  11. The police hope to arrest a suspect soon.
  12. It is ilogical to wear shorts in the snow.
  13. Is the crack in the vase irreparable?
  14. The long distance seemed imeasurable.
  15. I must have more of that iresistible pie.
  16. Will you accompany her to the dance?
  17. A cast imobilizes the bones so they can heal.
  18. The fire in the museum destroyed some irreplacible paintings.
  19. Your asignment will be to write a research report.
  20. His Mom was ticketed for parking in an illeagle space.
  21. How much money is in your acount?
  22. I can assure you that he is telling the truth.
  23. Moon Shadow is an immagrant to this country.
  24. A good student will have several attributes.
  25. Alcohol can make even a smart person irational.

5. "I'm my own grandpa!"
6. There was one in Europe from the 14th-16th centuries.
7. Procrastinators do this.
8. Reference.

1. Bling Bling!
2. Collage.
3. Don't do this with your house payments.
4. On your brow or in the field.

montage, renaissance, defer, furrow, lapse, wherewithal (n), allusion, paradox
  1. One of the many problems with the concept of time travel is the ________ of going back in time and somehow preventing your own birth.
  2. His scholarly paper was full of ______________(s) to ancient Greek philosophers. He was trying to impress his readers with how educated he was.
  3. That neighborhood has experienced a sort of ______________ lately. It has become quite popular with artists and galleries.
  4. The ___________(s) in his brow from scowling were almost as deep as the ones he plowed in his field.
  5. His collage was a _____________ of images from his travels around the world.
  6. He didn't have the _______ to support his "bling bling" lifestyle, and soon went broke.
  7. He let his car payments ___________, and they came and repossessed it.
  8. They had to _________ fixing the roof until they could save enough money.