Quiz 2/24. Please record: your scores on the TS quizzes (/8, /12), your verb sheet score (/31), your TSSQ score (/30) and any extra credit you may have earned this week (+3 min./ +10 max.)
Vocabulary. Skip if "Exempt." You will use words more than once, you will not use them all.

exacting, vindictive, genial, regalia, mirth, rapt, yearn, indulge, temperance, melancholy, nigh
  1. (2) Some groups of people are preparing for the end of the world, because they think it is __________, and a __________ God will punish the nonbelievers.
  2. When Tom testified about the dead cat, "there was a ripple of _________" through the audience. Everyone thought that was funny.
  3. (2) One thing that helps you live longer is to always practice ___________; never _________(ing) in too much of anything.
  4. "Now the master, mellow almost to the verge of _______(ity)..."
  5. The Bible says not to be ______________, but to "turn the other cheek."
  6. After Tom talked to Muff Potter, he was feeling very __________ about Muff's situation.
  7. When Tom testified at the trial, the audience was "_____ in the ghastly fascination of the tale."
  8. The schoolmaster became more and more _________ as finals approached; expecting more and more out of the students.
A)B) C) 
Tom Sawyer, Chapter 26.
  1. (3) Who is A a picture of? What seems to be wrong with the picture?
  2. How did the boy's superstition about Fridays actually work out this time?
  3. What is happening in B?
  4. In one word, Injun Joe's job "t'aint robbery altogether -- it's ___________!"
  5. Why does Injun Joe decide not to rebury the treasure they find?
  6. Picture C had a caption that read, "The Boys' Salvation." Why?
  7. What's the boys' plan now?
  8. Bonus: True or False? "Spaniard" = any foreigner.
  1. (3) Most verbs form the past tense by adding ____ or ____. These are called ________ verbs.
  2. How is the past participle different from the past tense?
  3. How is the present participle different from the present tense?
  4. (3) Yesterday, she (find) she (scream) so much at the game the day before, she (lose) her voice, and couldn't talk.
  5. It is a week later, and she still (have) trouble speaking.
  6. Many people still (remember) his smiling face.
  7. Soon, the new season will be (begin).
Mark Twain.
  1. (2) Besides writer, name two other jobs Mark Twain had.
  2. Besides Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer, name another book by Mark Twain.
  3. (4) Tom's town of __________ is based on Mark Twain's hometown of ___________, __________, along the ____________ River.
  4. (2) Mark Twain's real name was _________ _________. (Bonus for middle name.)