Friday, 9/16/05 -- Welcome Guest Teacher!
Extended Homies Schedule!
Prepare separate sheet for Test #1
Mental Floss
  1. Explain the following true boast: "In my bedroom, the nearest lamp that I  usually keep turned on is 12 feet away from my bed. Alone in the room, without using wires, strings, or any other aids or contraptions, I can turn out the light on that lamp and get into bed before the room is dark."
  2. In a certain city, 5% of all persons in town have unlisted phone numbers. If you select 100 names at random from the city's phone directory, how many of the people selected will have unlisted phone numbers?
  3. A pen and a bottle of ink cost $1.10. The pen costs exactly $1.00 more than the ink. What does each cost? (Not a trick.)
  4. Using the words DROVES and NEWS write seven words using each letter once.
  5. How many times can you subtract 6 from 36?

Turn in Crosswords!
Test #1