Test #9. Be sure to record your extra credit for the week (+4 min./+5 max.), and your scores on your pink sheet (/10), and the group quiz (/8). Do not copy.
  1. bonanza, potato, pancho, plaza, all correct
  2. custum, hammock, fiesta, tortilla, all correct
  3. cargo, potatoes, embargo, siesta, all correct
  4. gorilla, guerrilla, guerilla, enchilada, all correct
  5. iguana, tomatoe, burrito, chocolate, all correct
  6. chile, chili, Chile, chilly, all correct
  7. Pancho, alligater, patio, vanilla, all correct
  8. ancient, cocoa, sombraro, tomatoes, all correct
  9. store : boycott :: country : __________ 
  10. rice : beans :: meat : ___________ 
Possessive Nouns. Fix each boldfaced word, or copy it, if it is correct. 
  1. (2) On Parents Night, we will present Jesus project.
  2. (2) Some childrens rhymes are very cruel. 
  3. (2) The Smiths love of TV is obvious in their three kids behavior. 
  4. (2) How many commas are needed in Tesses paper?
  5. (2) Some birds' migration journeys can cover thousand's of miles.
Vocabulary. If you are "exempt," do only 10-12.
divine, discerning, stark, prevail, demur, lurid, revoke, restitution, impertinent, brood
  1. When Dad asked me to mow the lawn, I _________(ed), but he told me that was not an option.
  2. There was a __________ contrast between Cherry's life and that of Ponyboy.
  3. The kings of old used to think that they had a ____ right to do whatever they wanted, that God had personally chosen them to be kings.
  4. The contract he signed turned out to be ______(able) at any time if his performance lagged.
  5. My mom was shocked by the ____ cover of the comic book.
  6. theft : restitution :: assent : _______
  7. "What if?" he ________(ed) to himself after the accident.
  8. (2) My dad ______(ed) my TV privileges, and forced me to make ____ after I broke the window.
  9. "Don't cry over spilled milk" is an old expression that means not to ______ too much over mistakes that you can't change. 
  10. Emily Dickinson felt that "the Majority" always _______(s). What you are is what the majority of people think you are.
  11. She felt that if a person were very ________, he/she would see that many things that appear to be weird, are really quite sane.
  12. On the other hand, things that we think are normal, are _________(ly) mad.
  1. Les Goodman said he got up to look at the stars because...?
  2. What is ironic about Charlie's statement about going back to the "dark ages"? (What he meant vs. another meaning we could get from his statement.)
  3. (?) What do you think Rod Serling's theme (point) is? Choose all that apply. a) To show that we should be scared of aliens. b) To show that we shouldn't be so suspicious of our neighbors. c) To show that we often judge people by insignificant things. d) That fear of the unknown makes us dumb. e) To show that scared people in a group are even dumber.
  4. Who caused the "power outage"?
  5. Who are the "monsters"?
    Read the narrator's last speech (p260). The next 2 questions refer to that speech.
  6. Name one of the weapons the aliens used on the people of Maple Street.
  7. What does he mean when he says, "and the pity of it is..."?