Test #14. Please record: Your scores on the three TS quizzes (/6, /13, /11), and any extra credit you may have earned this week (+3min./+9 max.)
  1. adapt, inspire, harmuny, divine, all correct
  2. harmonious, combine, dispose, adopt, all correct
  3. adaption, narrate, narration, genes, all correct
  4. dispostion, excel, genetic, excellence, all correct
  5. triumphent, various, academic, admiration, all correct
  6. combine, combonation, variety, impose, all correct
  7. imposition, insparation, academy, inspire, all correct
  8. lose : triumph :: cacophony : ___________
  9. divide : combine :: environmental : _________
  10. God : smite :: detective : ________
Vocabulary. If you are "exempt," do only #12. You will not use them all.
alacrity, prone, deduce, covet, lugubrious, palpable, smote, zephyr, frivolity, incantation, eloquent, fickle
  1. save : discard :: upright : ________
  2. David _________ Goliath with a single stone from his slingshot.
  3. After his fight with Becky, Tom moped around _____________(ly).
  4. His surgically repaired knee will be _________ to reinjury when he starts playing again.
  5. When the master said I had only 5 minutes left, I finished the test with _________.
  6. Tom __________(ed) the attention and glory, not the bible prize.
  7. Amy Lawrence was able to ____ from Tom's attitude at Sunday school that she had been dumped.
  8. narrative : conflict :: kite : ________
  9. personality : disposition :: quickness : _______
  10. There was a stereotype in Mark Twain's day that women were _________, but men change their minds at least as often as women do.
  11. After his fight with Becky, Tom was too depressed for the ________ of clowns and circuses.
  12. Many times, the leader's actions did not match his ___________ speeches.
Tom Sawyer Chapter 11.
  1. (2) When Injun Joe tells his version of the events in the graveyard, Tom and Huck are amazed that something doesn't happen. What? What do they  think the reason behind this is?
  2. (3) "They inwardly resolved to watch him, nights, when the opportunity should offer, in the hope of getting a glimpse of his dread master." (p79b, p) Translate the bold-faced parts.
  3.  "It's blood, it's blood, that's what it is!"  a) Tom, swearing not to tell about Injun Joe.  b) Sid, telling Tom what he heard Tom say in his sleep.  c) Huck, worried that Injun Joe will kill them if he finds out.  d) Tom, telling the sheriff what he saw in the graveyard.
  4. How does Tom try to ease his conscience about Muff's situation?
  5. Why did the villagers not punish Injun Joe for bodysnatching? a) They didn't know he did it.  b) They were afraid of him.  c) They had no proof.  d) It wasn't against the law.
  6. (4) This picture had the caption, "Injun Joe's Two Victims." Identify the three people. Why two victims?