Monday, 4/23/07 -- Testing begins tomorrow. Meet in computer lab tomorrow.
Wikis are due Friday!
Copy homework into assignment book.

Warm Up. (Use pages 220-223 to help you.)

  1. What are the "crossbars" on the mast called? a) royal masts  b) bow sprits  c) yards  d) forecastle  e) topsails
  2. And the highest ones are called...?  a) fore-  b) royal-  c) upper-  d) top-  e) upper main-
  3. What are the ropes called that the sailors use to climb the masts?  a) shrouds  b) yards  c) ratlines  d) catheads  e) jibs
  4. The bowsprit's job is to anchor the _______ sails.  a) top-  b) fore-  c) royal-  d) jib-  e) bow-
  5. What's a cathead?  a) the figurehead on the bowsprit  b) a good luck charm  c) what they use to pull up the anchor  d) what they use to climb the masts.  e) none of the above
  6. The steering wheel for the ship is at the... a) bow  b) stern  c) starboard  d) port  e) top
  7. How long is a watch?  a) 2 hours  b) 4 hours  c) 6 hours  d) 8 hours  e) 4 bells
  8. "Watch and watch" meant that on some days, a sailor might work as many as _____ hours in a day.  a) 8  b) 12  c) 14  d) 16  e) 20
  9. When Charlotte woke up at the beginning of ch. 4, and she heard 4 bells, what time was it?  a) 6:00 am  b) 8:00 am  c) 10:00 am  d) noon  e) 4:00 pm
Spelling Pretest #12 -- Write the correct spelling of each word in your notebook, and click. Be sure to COPY and click the roots as well.

Charlotte Doyle, chapter 6 aloud.