Friday, 12/1/06
Prepare Green Sheet for
Test 3A.
Be sure to record:
Pink Sheet Scores (/10, /17)
Monday's (11/27) Warm Up Extra Credit
Mental Floss
Which one does not belong, and why?
A) Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo. B) No x in Nixon. C)
Too cool for school. D) Too hot to hoot.
Which word does not belong and why?
What do you get when you add 1 and 11 four times?
There once was a truck....when you go out, and I come
in, what will become of the truck? It will become a ___________.
Removing an appendix is called an appendectomy, removing
tonsils is called a tonsilectomy. What is it called when they remove a
growth from your head?
Test 3A. Click only.
If you scored 20/20 on Monday, skip the first 10.
If you scored 11/11 on Wednesday's Vocabulary Pretest,
you may either skip 21-30, or keep your +4.
The Martian Chronicles section is open book.
Doodle Theme: Rock and Roll.