Wednesday, 12/6/06 -- Early Release Schedule
DAILY POLL: How much of the homework did you do last night?  a) All of it.  b) Just the reading.  c) Just the vocabulary. c) Reading and some vocabulary. d) Reading, vocabulary, but not study questions  e) Reading, some vocabulary, study questions.  f) Reading, some vocabulary, no study questions.  g) No reading, some vocabulary.  h) NADA.
Warm Up. COPY and Click.
  1. When you pronounce this word, make sure to put the _____ on the first syllable.  a) framework  b) emphasis  c) criteria  d) approximate  e) attribute
  2. It hasn't been long enough since the new homework policy was ______(ed) to see if it works yet. a) confer  b) promote  c) emphasis  d) attribute  e) institute
  3. The band went on tour to ____ their new album.  a) emphasis  b) contrast  c) emerge  d) promote  e) equate
  4. Don't work it out exactly, just try to _____ an answer.  a) approximate  b) equate  c) concentrate  d) promote  e) institute
  5. Since the poison was so _____(ed), it only took a tiny bit to kill.  a) equate  b) emphasis  c) attribute  d) promote  e) concentrate
  6. His brother's _____ whistling finally drove him crazy.  a) approximate  b) constant  c) emphasis  d) tradition  e) dimension
Go over vocabulary "homework."  |  Vocabulary Pretest.
  1. The new kid made a great effort to _____ himself into the group at school.  a) cavort  b) acclaim  c) clamor  d) sublime  e) assimiliate
  2. The _____ that Les Goodman's car started made everyone afraid of him. a) sublime  b) revelation  c) whim  d) acclaim  e) fervent
  3. The little league player had a _______ desire to play in the majors. He dreamed about it every night.   a) fervent  b) whim  c) oblivious  d) clamor  e) sublime
  4. Her _____ hand made the old lady's handwriting very difficult to read.  a) cavort  b) fervent  c) sublime  d) oblivious  e) tremulous
  5. The musician's performance was _____... a) revelation  b) acclaim  c) clamor  d) sublime  e) assimiliate
  6. ...It gave me chills it was so good, and it earned him great _____. a) fervent  b) acclaim  c) clamor  d) sublime  e) tremulous
  7. Often, fifth period is ___ when I am giving directions, so they miss out on a lot of clues that would help them. a) cavort  b) fervent  c) sublime  d) oblivious  e) tremulous
  8. When Mr. Coward, on a _____, said there would be no homework this week... a) cavort  b) revelation  c) whim  d) fervent  e) clamor
  9. ...there was a great _____ from the class... a) cavort  b) revelation  c) oblivious  d) fervent  e) clamor
  10. ...and they started _____(ing) and dancing in the aisles. a) cavort  b) assimilate  c) whim  d) acclaim  e) clamor
  11. secret : revelation :: steady : ____ a) acclaim  b) fervent  c) sublime  d) oblivious  e) tremulous
  12. blow up : explode : play : ____  a) fervent  b) acclaim  c) clamor  d) cavort  e) tremulous
Martian Chronicles Reading Check.  "The Martian" Part II and "The Luggage Store"